WuBi 五笔 Input Method
Write Chinese characters with a computer keyboard
[beware, your fonts may render dramatically different]
- know the basics
- first exercise together
- understand what Wubi is about
- further introduction (25min)
- step-by-step guide to master Wubi (rest of the time)
- simple exercises follow each step
The Wubi basics
- it is not pinyin
- for standard keyboards
- different character components spread over 25 letter keys
- for each character to write, pick the components one by one, in order of hand writing
- at the end: commit/confirm
- like with other Input Methods as well
- usually “space” key commits
Exercise I (2min)
Use the Wubi keyboard layout sheet and guess the Wubi codes to write these characters:
众 林 昌 品 因 比 双
Part I — Theory
Input Methods
- pronunciation based
- Hanyu Pīnyīn (nǐ hǎo)
- Standard Cantonese Pīnyīn (nei5 hou2)
Zhùyīn/Bopomofo (ㄚㄛㄜㄝㄞㄟ)
- character/structure/stroke/writing based
- 4-corner (method used for name lists)
- Cāngjié
- Wǔbǐ
- Dàyì
- combination of both
Structure based Input Methods
- many different methods exist, differing in
- popularity
- in Mainland China very clear: Wubi very dominant
- e.g. Taiwan: not so clear (keyboard labels ready for two)
- official status
- numbers for name characters on forms/registration purposes
- keys used
- only numbers (0-9 or even less)
- “letters” (that is, 26 or a little less keys)
- “everything” (e.g. 46 keys)
- adapted language/script variant
- simplified/traditional
- languages (Korean, Japanese, ...)
- decomposition basis
- none/indexed/numbered
- dictionary radicals
- writing related (stroke, components)
- shape related (at predefined positions or writing order)
- other characteristics
- code length (speed, auto commit)
- ambiguity (official use, blind typing, speed)
- wildcards (ease of use, searching)
Wubi characteristics
- invented by 王永民 WANG Yongmin
- developed for simplified Chinese
- “normal” is Wubi86
- a revamped version, Wubi98, had no success
- a little more suitable for simplified and traditional characters
- same rules, but a small changes on the components
- depending on the implementation:
- Wubi86 may yield traditional characters as well
- yields over 20,000 characters
- characters combinations available as well
- nice wildcard key Z
- limited structure based character search capability
- high typing speeds
no need to know the pronunciation
need to know the writing
fast typing
needs more time to learn
nice character search possible
limited, but alternatives limited as well
helps brain with a nice structural breakdown
does not correspond to dictionary radicals
helps memorizing writing (Pinyin does not)
easy to forget distinction of same key shapes
impress your Chinese friends
better hobbies to spend time on available
- in any case: you should not learn it instead, but in addition to Pinyin
- some say: “to complicated for foreigners”, I say: “especially useful for Chinese learners”
Part II — Practice
Bihua Input Method
- is not the same, but Wubi shares some concepts with the Bihua Input Method
- most mobile phones have Bihua (apart from Pinyin)
- characters are entered stroke by stroke
- each stroke has a number form 1 - 5
- number depends on stroke type
Bihua and Wubi stroke types
from left to right
the only “has a hook” exception
from (top) right to (bottom) left
some dots point down left 灬
everything with a corner or hook
Exercise II (3min)
Determine the Bihua number code:
三 中 木 手 丝 须 川 我 没
Wubi partition: zones
- Wubi keyboard divided into five zones
- according to Bihua stroke types
- to ease lookup
first stroke of component decides which zone it belongs to
- some exceptions exist, though...
- zone map
3 4
1 2
Exercise III (3min)
In which zone should these components be? Are they actually there?
大 人 三 车 刀 白 山 川 米 攵 马 巴
Wubi partition: keys
- every zone has five keys
- counting starts from the “middle”
- for example key “24” is: zone 2, key 4 (English keyboard: L)
different rules exist to determine the key number of a component
- second stroke type
- repetition of first stroke (type)
- similarities to other components on the key
- otherwise try
- key number mnemonics (e.g. total stroke count)
- key letter mnemonics (shape?)
Exercise IV (2min)
These components are keyed strictly by first and second stroke type. On which key should they be?
纟厶 七 石 八 夕 王 己 了 刀 士 竹 冖 门 文
Exercise V (2min)
These components are keyed by first stroke type and than number of stroke type repetition. Look them up:
彡 三 二 一 丶 冫 氵 灬 丨 刂 川
[Note: single strokes of every type are available on the x1 keys: 一 丨 丿丶 乚]
Exercise VI (4min)
Why are these components where they are?
人 扌 水 火 冖 凵 山 几 阝 木 大 车
Wubi difficulties
- unfortunately, it is hard to tell which component is available on Wubi
- look through the keyboard layout and see what is there
- create your own mnemonics
- at first, remember the frequent ones
- sometimes a geometrically connected part of a character needs to be decomposed in Wubi
- the easiest rule is: do it intuitively
- follow the stroke order
- minimize the number of components
Exercise VI (5min)
Determine the Wubi code for the following characters (2, 3 or 4 components).
Easy: 没 语 主 达 钱 他 冰 字 汉
Medium: 会 到 稳
Hard: 狗 面 新
Code shortening
- all Wubi codes are limited to four or less keys
- characters with more components get shortened
1. 2. 3. and last
Code prolongation![](File7.png)
- all characters have an official code of 3 or 4 keys
- 1 and 2 key codes are always abbreviations for frequent characters
- some “natural” codes are to short and collide with abbreviations
- writing of components often raises this problem, e.g.
言 方 广 文 would all be just ”y”, so do instead
- type that key 4 times: “yyyy” or
- type the key once and enter the first, second and last stroke as well
4 times
key+1. 2. last stroke
actual abbreviation
L (of LGY)
LHNG is 四
wrong stroke order
wrong zone
not a component!
Exercise VII (4min)
The following characters are Wubi components. Which code do they have? (Use main comp. code (4×), stroke decomposition or abbreviation.)
十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 二 一
Code prolongation: distinguishing key
- all “natural” 2 and 3 key codes can also be extended with one extra key
- determine the stroke type of the last stroke of the last component (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- analyze the geometric shape ⿰ is 1, ⿱ is 2 and others are 3
use the key “ab” as distinguishing key
- extension only necessary in case of collision
- mostly optional
- forbidden only in case of collision...
去 = 土 厶 + U (丶⿱ is 42)
Code “FC” alone is 支.
⿰ ⿲
⿱ ⿳
⿴ ⿴ ⿵ ⿶ ⿷ ⿸ ⿹ ⿺ ⿻
Exercise VII (3min)
At least, determine the distinguishing key.
Optional: 主 天 不 业 国
Must: 她 票 壮 状 美 里 庄 今 待 推 血 市 申 亦
Must, if not written abbreviated: 年
Nice to know
- Wubi is not (dictionary) radical based
- many components are not radicals
- some radicals really look like being composed of two, three others (and so are in Wubi)
- 殳青足音是黾香高
- some radicals are broken up in hand writing (and Wubi)
- 亘 has radical 二
- sometimes Wubi does not follow the Mainland stroke order, or no valid stroke order at all
- Wubi: 力 = 4 5 戈 = 1 5 4 3
- you can actually enter multiple characters with one code
- 你好 对不起 不好意思 很多
- 227 radicals for simplified characters
- Wikipedia
- Input Methods (en)
- (the English Wubi article is really bad)